Yanan Valencia

About me


Result-oriented Software Engineer with in-depth experience in analysis, design, development, testing and deployment of various big data processing and analytics projects. Skilled at team collaboration while working independently in fast-paced environments.


Programming languages

(Proficient)Java, Python, Pig, SQL
(Moderate)Bash, PHP, C, JavaScript, Matlab

Big data analytic tools

MapReduce, Oozie, Kafka, Samza, Elasticsearch, Couchbase, Amazon S3/EMR/RedShift

Development and project management tools

Git/Gerrit, Agile, Maven, Spring Framework


TrueCar Inc, Santa Monica

Software Developer December 2015 -
• Building MapReduce processes to analyze sales data. Improving the analytic model and helping make decisions on business rules. Utilizing Oozie to schedule MR jobs.

CityGrid Media, Los Angeles

Software Engineer April 2014 - November 2015
• Leveraged Apache Samza and Kafka to create a reliable and low latency stream processing system for analyzing web events such as impressions, clicks, and phone calls.
• Collaborated with teammates to build a new ETL from scratch. Python scripts were used to generate Pig scripts for Hadoop processing, manage Amazon EMR clusters, and load result from Amazon S3 to the Data Warehouse on Amazon RedShift.
• Implemented a call tracking project in Java and made intensive use of Elasticsearch and Couchbase for fast searches and real time monitoring/reporting.

Student Technology Services, Johns Hopkins University

Web Developer Feb 2013 - Nov 2013
• Redesigned and implemented website templates for departments and organizations on campus.
• Provided PHP training and study problem set for newly-hired employees.

Tencent, Beijing

Intern, iOS Development Jul 2013 - Sep 2013
• Implemented the comment system in a sports streaming app.
• Took part in testing and the refactoring process, offered suggestions on improving the user experience.

Baidu Inc., Beijing

Intern, Android Development Jul 2012 - Aug 2012
• Assisted in developing an Android application for the distribution of internal company news.
• Participated in the software design process by assisting with layout design and coding.


The Johns Hopkins University

Master of Science in Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2013

University of California, San Diego

Study Abroad Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2012

Beijing Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering | 2012


Android App: Roommates

October 2013
• A dating application designed with unique intuitive games, focusing on bringing out people's personalities.
• My primary task was to work on the GUI and Android client implementation while I also assisted with the server side implementation, which was created using Java and Hibernate server software.

Auriculum(Online Learning Environment)

January 2012
• An online learning environment built using Apache, MySQL, and PHP on an Amazon EC2 virtual server, aiming at enhancing student interactivity in the classroom using live chat, polling, and CRTMP live video feed.
• Designed and implemented layout, PHP backend, user login/logout system using cookies and polling.
